September 30, 2020 2 min read
Effortlessly remove annoying skin tags, milia and other skin imperfections with 1-2 treatments, no scarring and minimal downtime!
Do you have annoying skin tags on your neck, bra line, or underarms that are constantly catching on your clothing or jewelry? What about the little red polka dots, (cherry angiomas) on your stomach and chest? Or maybe, you’re plagued by those hard white bumps around your eyes or on your forehead? If so Hyfrecator Blemish Removal may be your best solution to remove them safely and effectively with little to no downtime!
A Hyfrecator is a safe form of electrosurgery in which controlled current is used to heat up and destroy tissue. It is a low powered device that works very well for destroying skin tags, red skin spots (cherry angiomas), sun spots (seborrheic keratosis), and a medley of other undesirable skin blemishes. The depth of the injury is very shallow and extremely precise. As a result, a protective crust protects the healthy underlying skin during healing process. This treatment is one of the best (and safest) treatment modalities for superficial lesions like skin tags and red spots!
During your initial consultation, we will discuss your health history & confirm that your skin blemish is appropriate for removal with the Hyfrecator. In some cases, we may suggest an alternative method such as laser. We will also go over any pre and post care that will make your treatment more effective and improve your healing.
Treatments with the Hyfrecator are only mildly uncomfortable and is often described as “hot or pokey.” However, since the treatment is so quick, only minimal discomfort is experienced.
Most patients see complete removal of their skin blemish with one session, although up to 3 sessions (and/or maintenance) may be needed for broken capillaries, or skin tags. Unlike other methods available, the Hyfrecator requires minimal downtime after your procedure. You may be red or have small scabbed areas for a few days following.
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