We've quietly been working on Nature of Beauty 2.0 lo these many months!! Our new website has some fabulous new benefits and features...
What this means to you, our valued customer, is
We will need all of our registered customers to reset their password or create a new account. We apologize for any inconvenience, but because we value your privacy and want to protect your information we did not want to risk transfering this information. Please click here to go to the customer login page and click on "Forgot your Password" next to the Submit button to reset your password. Enter your email address, click the Submit button and then go to your email address on file and click the link provided to bring you back to the reset password page. Enter your new password and click Submit and you're all set!!
Our new loyalty program will also not carry over points from the previous program. If you have loyalty points from our old website and would like them applied to your new account on our new site, please email us at: and we will look up your balance and apply it to the new program. For more information on our new loyalty program please visit our Loyalty Program page.
Please contact us with any questions or concerns or feedback! You can reach us via email at the above listed address or call us at 612-666-9801.
Thank you for your understanding as we venture into a new era of ecommerce and we truly value your loyalty.
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